2023 – 2024 Smart & Skilled Program – SWC Approved Qualifications

Smart & Skilled Program: https://smartandskilled.nsw.gov.au/

Process for obtaining a Unique Student Identifier (USI): http://www.usi.gov.au/Students/Pages/steps-to-create-your-USI.aspx

From 1st January 2020, under the NSW Government fee-free traineeship initiative, NSW trainees that commence their training after 1st January, 2020 may be eligible for fee free training.

Smart and Skilled Consumer Protection Policy: https://smartandskilled.nsw.gov.au/for-training-providers/consumer-obligations

Smart and Skilled Notification of Enrolment process

SWC Training must only carry out notifications of enrolment via the Portal in accordance with the following processes:-

(a) SWC Training must first obtain the consent of the Prospective student to the Department’s use of the Prospective Student’s information by:

(i) The prospective Student signing or electronically accepting (including by ticking a check box) a consent for that includes the wording set out in Schedule 1 of these Operating Guidelines or
(ii) the Prospective Student verbally providing their consent provided that a consent statement is recited to the Prospective Student or is made available for the Prospective Student to read.

To be clear, if the Prospective Student does not provide their consent, SWC Training must not proceed with the Notification of Enrolment Process.

(b) SWC Training must use the Provider Calculator to validate eligibility, input details of any Credit Transfers or Recognition of Prior Learning and generate details of the Fee Chargeable and the applicable Subsidy together with any Loadings (if applicable). SWC Training must provide the Prospective Student with details of the Fee chargeable.

(c) SWC Training will generate and maintain a hard copy or electronic copy of the Notification of Enrolment Report-Provider Copy that can be referred to where the Fee and Subsidy is adjusted the Commitment ID is issued.

(d) SWC Training must confirm that the Prospective Student has signed or electronically accepted declaration confirming:

(i) all information provided by the Prospective Student to the Provider, in connection with the Notification of Enrolment Process is true, accurate, complete and not misleading in any way.
(ii) the Prospective Student is aware of any subcontracting arrangements (if applicable); and
(iii) the Prospective Student had been provided with the details of the Fee Chargeable and the Student Information.

Successful completion of the Notification of Enrolment Process will result in the issue of a commitment ID.

To be clear, the Notification of Enrolment Process may be carried out before, after or simultaneously with the Provider’s enrolment process.

Descobertas inesperadas sobre jogos de azar
Os cientistas de todo o mundo estão a investigar o jogo de azar. Sob o seu escrutínio estão o entretenimento com cartões, slot machines, e lotarias. E não é de admirar. Afinal, de acordo com as estatísticas, cada vez mais utilizadores passam o seu tempo livre para tal entretenimento.

Assim, na sala de jogo do casino existem novas slots, que têm temas brilhantes, rodadas de bónus interessantes e histórias. Mas quais são as características que têm o jogo a dinheiro? Considere as descobertas invulgares dos cientistas.

Os jogos de azar afectam a inteligência
Os cientistas descobriram recentemente que jogar num casino online afecta significativamente a capacidade intelectual da pessoa. Eles provaram que as pessoas que jogam póquer, muito melhor raciocínio lógico. Podem desvendar problemas matemáticos complexos e têm um elevado nível de inteligência.
Isto deve-se ao facto de que no jogo é preciso pensar constantemente, calcular os seus movimentos à frente. Graças a este homem, treina a sua mente e memória.

O jogo ajuda a combater o stress
Investigadores da Universidade de Oxford concluíram que o jogo ajuda a lidar com o stress. Por exemplo, uma pessoa que gere as ranhuras, reduz o nível de hormona do stress no sangue em 20%. Isto ajuda-o a recuperar mais rapidamente após um dia de trabalho árduo, a recuperar o juízo e a relaxar.